NAC Programme Beatbox Course


Are you an MOE Educator / In charge looking for a Beatboxing Course approved by the National Arts Council Tote Board Grant (50%)? Kindly contact us.

  • NAC Approved Beatbox Course (Qualified for NAC tote board grant of 50%)
  • We also provide AMIS Instructors
  • Trendy musical skill among the students
  • Students learn the importance of unity and discipline
  • Important skills of teamwork and discipline are also woven into the course
  • Novices may participate: No need for any musical background or theory
  • No need to purchase/rent instruments, as it is made all from the mouth!
  • Flexible number of lessons – 4 lessons to 12 lessons

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    Beat boxing is a popular art form that makes many cool sound effects (SFX), rhythmic patterns, and sounds, using different parts of the mouth (lips, upper and lower teeth, throat, tongue, and occasionally the nose). Many things is possible, from the fundamental sounds (B, t, and Keh), to cool SFX like turntablism, and beatboxing and rapping – at the same time! Dubbed the 5th element of Hip Hop by veterans, Beatboxing is an art form that is well received by the Primary and Secondary School students, and will show the pupils important values of unity and discipline. Charles Stitch Wong created this syllabus and has taught more than 14000 pupils. Showing the students rhythms, sound effects, and vocal instruments, Advent Music shows each pupil how to produce cool beatboxing effects using only the mouth. Students will understand how to cypher and challenge each other, and these are the things that grows their interest and passion in Beatbox. Bring in NAC Beat box Courses to your institute, and Contact Advent Music!

    If you are looking for a performance instead, click here.

    If you want to draw from the AMIS fund to pay for courses instead, click here. 

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